Full colour poster of the ‘Bounty’ taken from the Mutiny scene of Cyclorama. Signed by the artists. Printed on high quality paper. Packaged in a tube.
50cm w x 80cm h
$18.00 plus postage
A 28 page full colour paperback features all the scenes of the Cyclorama painting and the storyboards, maps and lists. It also includes extra sections about making the Cyclorama, the Artists, What happened to Captain Bligh and Cycloramas in History.
A4 format, 30cm w x 21cm h
$15.00 plus postage
Panoramic fold out brochure
Full colour reproduction of the entire cyclorama painting. Printed over two sides on high quality paper.
84cm w x 15cm h. Double sided.
$5.00 plus postage
Postcards – Set of 3
Set of 3 full colour postcards, includes Cyclorama scenes: